Ag Industry Trends & Outlooks

Discover insights, trends, ag market outlooks and other topical information as it relates to the Northeast's diverse agricultural industries. Brought to you by Knowledge Exchange from Farm Credit East.
Farmer hands using smartphone

Knowledge Exchange Partner

Knowledge Exchange Partner

Farm Credit East Knowledge Exchange Industry Snapshots

This month's Knowledge Exchange Partner highlights a series of Industry Snapshots, compiled by Farm Credit East's Director of Knowledge Exchange, Chris Laughton. In addition to a summary of the national economy, northeast farm economy sectors such as dairy, timber and forest products, cash field crops, livestock, fruit, vegetables, greenhouse and fishing are included.

September 5, 2024

Soybean field at sunset

Latest From Today's Harvest Blog

Flooded corn field with tractor tire marks, blue skies
Crop Insurance
Assistance Available for Connecticut Producers Impacted by Flooding and Hail

Following recent flooding and hail events across Connecticut, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is offering the following programs to assist impacted farmers and livestock producers.

September 17, 2024

Featured Webinar

Woman standing in agriculture crop field holding and working on an open laptop
Farm Credit
2024 Virtual Customer Appreciation Meeting

Tuesday, Nov 12, 2024 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM EST

Join us for the 2024 Virtual Customer Appreciation Meeting. This 45-minute program will provide cooperative updates from CEO Mike Reynolds and Board Chair John Knopf.

November 12, 2024

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Tag: dairy 
A row of eight to ten black beef cows standing in a grass field
Crop Insurance
Livestock Gross Margin Protection - Dairy, Cattle and Swine coverage

LGM is a livestock product that protects producers from declining product prices and increasing feed costs. There are separate programs for dairy, beef cattle and swine, but the program works relatively the same for each. 

April 10, 2023

Female farmer standing in cow barn with dairy cows, looking at tablet
Crop Insurance
Understanding Your Milk Check

Understanding your milk check is a crucial piece to your operation’s revenue and risk management strategy. Milk checks vary between cooperatives and who you sell your milk to, but breaking it down by how the line items on your check are calculated can help you determine your mailbox price and what you are paid.

March 07, 2023

Northeast Economic Engine

Download Farm Credit East’s Northeast Economic Engine report, which analyzes the economic impact of the Northeast agriculture, forest products and commercial fishing industries. This report was released in November 2020. 


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2020 Northeast Economic Impact Report Cover